
high hdl cholesterol

Home high hdl cholesterol
high hdl cholesterol

You may have heard how beneficial it is to have high levels of the good or HDL cholesterol and lower your bad or LDL ones. There are many simple things you can do to get a healthy balance and I discuss the main ones here. Although diet only accounts for about 20% of your overall cholesterol, making healthy changes will still have an impact and some foods have been shown to raise HDL cholesterol levels.

Cutting down on the trans and saturated fats like fast food, fried food, dairy, cakes, pastries and all the other nice things will help! Increasing your intake of fresh fruit and veg, nuts like almond and walnuts, oatmeal and fatty fish like salmon, tuna and hoki will raise HDL cholesterol. Oatmeal in particular is good as it also helps to lower your LDL levels as it is a soluble fibre.

Exercising for just 30 minutes a day can really impact on your levels and help to maintain a better balance. This could even be a brisk walk as you only need to elevate your heart rate for 30 minutes to get the benefits. As over 80% of your cholesterol is made by your liver, a natural cholesterol supplement can really help, provided it contains the right blend of synergistic nutrients proven to balance your levels.

A good one will reduce the absorption of bad cholesterol, reduce the production of it and also help to dissolve cholesterol particles in the bloodstream. The best ingredients include Phytosterols from plants, Policosanol, D-Limonene, Pumpkin Seed oil, Lecithin and Theaflavins. They combine to lower the LDL and raise you HDL significantly and maintain the correct ratio.

It is a good idea to introduce one new thing each week so you don't get overwhelmed in the beginning! If you use these effective solutions, you will be able to naturally and gradually raise HDL cholesterol levels while lowering LDL ones and help to avoid a premature heart attack or stroke

foods to avoid with high cholesterol