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It is so grand to have a lover to share things with. Anyone in love tries to make special romantic moments with their loved ones.

Whether it be a roaring fire in the fireplace and a picnic in front of, or a special candlelit dinner in a restaurant.

You may prefer going to movies or the sports games.

Some people like to take the special moments further and have a special “short funny rhyming poem” for the occasion.

Here are some poems that may help you make your romantic moments.

Thank heavens your Mum met your Dad.
Thank heavens there was you.
I’ve never been so lucky, to know a soul so pure and true.
We share so much and I know for sure without you I’d be blue.
Here’s to a happy birthday baby, I love you through and through!

We go together like peanut butter and jelly,
I even love your round little jolly belly.
I love being with you and just watching the telly,
or we could go out and find a good deli.