
home remedies for pimples that you know

What's the best pimple remedy? Ask 10 people and you will get 10 different answers-including dermatologists.

There doesn't seem to be ANY general consensus as to the cause or cure for acne among the "experts". So it's no wonder that 95% of people are NEVER able to successfully clear their skin.

To make it easy on you, here are 2 mistakes you must avoid when looking to get lasting results:

#1) Don't fall prey to crafty advertising

You know those products that claim to get you results in 1-2 days? They are scams.

Don't fall prey

They might work that fast for 1% of the population-but for most people they take time. that is, if they ever work at all.

But the truth is, you don't have to buy ANY lotion or cream to permanently clear your skin-keep reading for more.

#2) Do NOT pop the pimple

Sure I know you've heard this one before-so I won't belabor the point. Just remember that this "pimple remedy" puts you at risk of a permanent scar.

Now that you now what NOT to do-here are 3 things you can implement today:

#1) Use raw apple cider vinegar

This isn't one of the more publicized treatments--but it works.

But make sure it's raw and organic

Refined vinegar is NOT effective. But I would recommend diluting this with about 50% water to make sure it's not to potent-it can be a bit harsh on more sensitive skin.

#2) Get more rest and exercise

No matter what facial treatment you use, lifestyle changes are the holy grail-NOTHING else will give you lasting results.

#3) Watch your diet

Make sure that as close to 100% of your foods are natural foods-avoid processed foods AT ALL COSTS. What are the best foods for clearing skin?

Honey, all berries, cucumber... just a few. If you just try and make sure to get more fruits and veggies you are going to see fast results. Healthier eating is the BEST pimple remedy there is.
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