
causes of depression today

If you're looking for causes of depression today, then you will want to read this post.

If you are depressed, and are like most people, you have probably been trying to understand the cause in the hope of finding a cure. After following the same approach for many years, I stumbled upon another way which is so simple and profound I was astonished! Why hadn't I seen it before?

Through seeing and understanding one simple thing, my depression literally vanished in a moment. More accurately, the feeling of depression didn't disappear but it didn't affect my peace any more. This understanding, if grasped, will cure anyone immediately, provided you are genuinely ready to be free of it.

The conventional approach to dealing with depression, anxiety, fear etc. is to attempt to change or fix it. This combative approach is reflected in the language we commonly use. We talk about "fighting depression" or "battling depression." Inherent in this approach is the underlying belief that there is something wrong.... that there is an enemy that first has to be slayed before peace can be experienced.

Therapy focuses on getting to the bottom of the problem and fixing it.... attempting to change an unhappy me into a happy me. Although this can undoubtedly offer relief, a permanent solution remains out of reach, somewhere in the future, but not accessible NOW, which is the only moment we have.

Have you ever considered that it may be possible to feel depressed AND experience peace and contentment at the same time? That fixing the depression may not be necessary. In fact, that trying to fix depression creates more depression. The amazing thing is that you can have a million negative thoughts and feelings but still feel peaceful! This is my experience.

What you resist persists. Fighting depression creates more depression

My Teacher loved to play table football and had a table in his room. On occasion, I would come to him feeling down. After patiently listening to my woes, he would cheerfully say "Lets play football!" It used to infuriate me that he never seemed to take my depression seriously. If I could only explain myself better, he would surely see that my problem was real, right? Wrong! He simply wouldn't give it ANY attention. What you focus on grows. If you wish to experience peace, focus on peace.

Dealing with depression through Awareness

If you closely observe any "negative" condition, that is... step out of yourself and observe it objectively, you will see that there are three distinct things going on:

an uncomfortable emotional sensation
followed by a labeling of the experience
followed by a mental commentary about the experience

For example "I am sad again" followed by " My God, will this never end. I need help. I'm going to phone my therapist. I can't live like this. This is awful." and a million other thoughts commentating ON the experience. In actual fact, the suffering comes from the habitual and unconscious commentary ABOUT the experience and NOT from the experience itself. Left alone, it is simply an uncomfortable sensation, but not a problem. The mental commentary makes it into a problem. This was a revelation for me!

So, if the commentary is the problem, how do we stop it?
We don't. We just watch it. Trying to stop it gives it more power. The desire to change the experience perpetuates it. In the simple act of being aware of the mental commentary... simply seeing it, not judging it, not analyzing it, just watching, something quite amazing happens. Distance is created between "me" and the commentary and just for a moment there is a gap... there is peace. If you are watching it, you are not identifying with it. Suffering occurs when you are lost in the story. Shining the light of consciousness on it is ALL that is required.

There is no need to change of fix anything. The feeling may, or may not stay, but either way, you don't need to wait until it is gone to experience peace. Meditation is an invaluable tool for dealing with depression. It is the fast track to inner peace. Trying to change the mind is difficult and requires time and effort. Changing our relationship with the mind is effortless and immediate. All suffering comes from identification with thought. It is simply a habit which can be broken through Awareness. Without trying to change anything, everything changes!

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