
Arshavin = + Benayoun Torres!

break closer, tung nóc network. Lose distance, in very dangerous to fly right into the frame. Balloon pop out, immediately flash to present opportunities. Facing the division, the enemy a chance to prevent bankruptcy, a promotion night flowers, Arshavin has become hung spirit of Pepe Reina, one of the professional excellence in the Premier League table with 4 wins.
Before this game, people will not understand Arsenal how to attack every room of the home that Arsène Wenger put principles of progressive official Adebayor - van Persie. At Anfield, Arsenal have to play 4-1-4-1 with map "wooden leg" Niclas Bentner leather on every attack. After 90 minutes, the answer was clearly the forerunner in Denmark causing the frustration, the children carry Arshavin is our inspiration for all first attack of the artilleryman through the ability to really boomed. Extremely fast and technical side left wing lobby, the money has prevented the Russian logistics vệ Arbeloa have a wing night khốn really suffering.

What Arshavin impressed most is the participation effect to unexpected situations in moving into the skills and perfect cut. 4 goal is to show that the quality characteristics of a tree as you level. You open the bill number is the result of a selected phase position after reasonable notice Fabregas shady beside right. The second table shows the ability to cut very good points with a cú react very fast and dangerous corner of grid to make Reina who promptly poured. Third goal is to continue an aggressive situation and calm summer guc enemy. The phase increase to 4-3 billion number was found that the risk of speed in the public. The images that we see in each Zenit (first season) as well as the clothing in Tel Russian Euro 2008.

"Arshavin can play anywhere, just like all the other big player. In the military cầm their long, I was not witness to many of you write that way, "Wenger not afraid to praise His short pupils. Available for Arshavin, Anfield night 21 / 4 is a special time. In his career, he recorded every 2 hat-trick, but prices to 4 goal, but the grid on a team such as Liverpool this is the first time. Remember, yesterday, in addition to those named as experienced Reina, Carragher, Liverpool have the money to double-Alonso Mascherano in the first row bedrooms. But all is not stop Arshavin tỏa am.

Since joining the Premier League, was Arshavin attempts to integrate into the land of football fog. Before this game, he has also created 2 times for Arsenal (to Blackburn and Wigan grid), but really impressed just stop at the constructive phase (6 times). But now, looking for a team, and the competitor he was on the other. Money in Russia has the ability to find the table noted their nhộn. Arsenal have failed to match in 19 Premier League and with the room like this, complete number, they can last up to 20, when for the last week is just to Boro.

Certainly the rest of the season opens, Arshavin is a weapon very dangerous by Arsenal. Do not use him in the Champions League (Zenit has khoác shirt to first season), so Wenger will make the most His pupils in schools in the country. And that is the opportunity for Arshavin continued to prove he fully deserves to 16.5 million the price table that Arsenal have put out.